Once upon a time it used to be the 'Q' word that polismen and wimmen were feart o'. These days it is the 'D' word.
'D' for Domestics. Don't get me wrong, the new zero tolerance stance has my general approval, despite the fact that most of us Plods hate all the associated forms required for even the smallest of invariably alcohol fuelled bickers between consenting adults.
However, I recognise that for anyone to be brave enough to call the Polis when things go wrong in a partnership, there must have been either a bleeding (sic) big stooshie or a considerable history of violence, oppression or sharp tongued abuse.
Given all that, it is with some disquiet that I refer to a report in the Daily Mail. Please read it - it is unbelievable how blase the court appears to be.
He looks like a decent enough spud in the photo, well educated etc., but clearly he is a mysoginous muppet.
Bizarrely, this overpaid oaf was only fined 2 grand with the decision that;
He was spared even a community punishment because the judge ruled that "special circumstances" suggested he was unlikely to re-offend and his job meant he was too "busy" to find the time to complete any order.
I am going to have to agree with Judith Stephenson, of Women's Aid, when she said:
"This case is extremely worrying. It takes an enormous amount of courage for a woman (or man - ed.) to go to court and this sentence may deter other women (men - ed.) from doing so."
I think the victim has a justified Axe to grind and he needs the chop!
Oh, and by the way, I ain't even going to mention the 'R' word! Damn, I think I just did.
© Mr Plod
Published by Toy Town™ Times