Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sheva Scores!

"Vot ave I doneski? Noddy he tell me that I cannot hit ze side of a barnski for Chelski, but then I go and score against Scotland."

It's OK Sheva, you are forgiven. The rest of your team-mates forgot how to play and where the net was.

I have to report that Mr Plod has been seen running again.

Timeline: 1655 hours Saturday 13 October 2007.
Locus: Toytown Constabulary HQ front door.

Any more of this malarky by McLeish's Marvels and I will have to carry oxygen routinely.

Miller was magic, McCulloch majestic and 'Faddy' - well, enough said. Watch the goals here.

p.s. - I believe the footballers of both varieties down south done well too! Congratulations to the odd shaped ball brigade in particular..... a few weeks ago vs South Africa you wouldn't have given them a hope in hell. I am wondering what is happening to the 'onion sellers' these days. Perhaps they should stick to tiddlywinks like some other Bizzies.

Sacre Ble
u indeed!

© Noddy

Published by Toy Town™ Times


  1. "I have to report that Mr Plod has been seen running again.

    Timeline: 1655 hours Saturday 13 October 2007.
    Locus: Toytown Constabulary HQ front door."

    Running Mr P? Surely you have a BP to do that on your behalf?

  2. a detected crime for this one.

    Odd shaped balls brigade, fingers crossed.

  3. noddy - annette has a question for you over at my place... I hope you can answer it!

  4. Anonymous11:10 am

    'Sacre bleu'! More infernal Scottish expressions. Now where's me bleeding Scottish Dictionary?
