Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Deja Vu

Bizarre really that I didn't give it a moment's thought, given that I've been blogging and also commenting on recent events, but just this very morning at ... yes ... 07:15 hours, interrupting our chit chat with the stripey, a shout goes out, "Grade 1 immediate response" to a nearby newsagents being held up by a loon with a knife.

Six response officers hurtle out of the office (including me after I managed to locate the keys and get them thrown across the muster room by one of our somewhat latchey and deaf nightshift colleagues). The MSU also blues and two's it. Get in car and orange fuel light blinks at me, but what the heck, it's only a short drive to the locus.

Just about there and the first car shouts for assistance. Matey is already boshed up against a wall (nice one Boysie!), knife and contraband recovered and in the back of the van shortly thereafter. Search made for any dropped property takes a couple of minutes and then to the shop. Blinking heck, the Suits are already there sniffing a detection or two.

Job done. Back to the office via Mr Shell.

Then it hits me....there but the grace of God!

I'm getting very close to half way to my telegram from HRH, but this sort of shout first thing in the morning still leaves me buzzing.

What's more there is a recorded recognition of the team's efforts from the SMT in their morning briefing notes.

How different from a couple of days ago in every way other than the devotion to DUTY shown.

Be careful out there.


  1. well, that was funny that it happened to be 7.15a.m. wasn't it?
    I have said this before but I really think that all you lot think that we( the civvies)don't appreciate what you do. But, you see, we do.
    That's for sure.
    Well done.

  2. There by the grace of God go we all mate.
    After this morning's "adventure" it makes me even more proud to be serving with the finest team in Toytown.
    A good team effort all round.
    Semper Fi

