Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hit me with your celery stick

News is slow this weekend and not much in the way of ingredients to make up even a soupçon of interest.

However, given that it's my team under the spotlight, I thought I'd bring you this tasty morsel from a report by Reuters. I think the Dury is out on this one.

Since I'm in the rhythm, you might want to delve further here.

Mind you, I do recall going to the assistance of one of my colleagues who was being assaulted by a cucumber wielding madman (Really, it did happen!)

Lettuce say he got his just desserts and that was just for starters! My colleague also avoided getting cabbage ears. Unfortunately, we didn't have pepper spray at that Thyme, so we kept him at Bay with Mr Wood.

Hope this has given you food for thought and the comments mushroom.

Click for Update


  1. "celery, celery... If she don't come I'll tickle her bum, with a stick of celery!"

    I've endured that chant to many times. That was in the old days... when your defence used to LEEK!

  2. TUPC,

    There is the other version in homage to a former Smogmonster.......

    Geremi, Geremi - now that Damien Duff won't tickle her muff we'll send in Geremi!
